An all-time favourite trio of Beauty Blenders that deliver flawless makeup application.
  1. Use the orange sponge to apply foundation all over face, hairline and neck. The bottom rounded side for face area and pointed side around nose and eyes area.
  2. Using the bottom side of pink sponge, apply blush onto cheeks. Apply concealer using the top pointed side.
  3. Contour! With the flat side of black sponge, contour face areas. Use the pointed side to contour smaller face areas (nose & forehead).
  • Wet sponge and firmly squeeze out all excess water until sponge is slightly damp. When applying makeup, bounce the sponge lightly, DO NOT rub.
  • To erase makeup – drag blender across the area to lift off excess makeup.
  • To clean your sponge, simply hand wash with gentle soap in mild water until sponge is clean. Rinse well and air dry.

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